Set up absence top ups based on hours or percent
Before you can process absence top ups based on hours or percent, some setup is required. The following sections describe the specific areas that must be set up.
Advanced HR setup
On the Advanced HR Setup page, on the Attendance Plans FastTab, set the value of Absence Top Up Mode to Hours/Percent Based.
(Optional) If you want to customize the top up warning that is displayed on an absence request, under Warnings, in Top Up, specify a custom message. Otherwise, a standard text warning is displayed.
Causes of absences setup
Create all causes of absence that are to be supported.
For all causes of absence that are to be used for top up, ensure that the following setup exists on the Cause of Absence Card page:
General FastTab:
Use for Top Up Only is turned on.
This setup prevents the causes of absence that are to be used for top up from being specified on absence requests.
Prevent Negative Balances is turned on.
mySparkrock Access FastTab:
Show Balances - Employee is turned on.
Show Balances - Manager is turned on.
Create Entries - Employee is turned off.
Create Entries - Manager is turned off.
Allow Neg. Entries - Employee is turned off.
Allow Neg. Entries - Manager is turned off.
Attendance plans setup
You must set up the one or more attendance plans where the top ups that are to be based on hours or percent are to be used.
Absence sequencing setup
To have Sparkrock 365 use other absence balances when the main cause of absence does not have a balance for the duration of the absence request, perform the following setup:
Set up absence sequencing for the the main cause of absence.
Set up absence sequencing for the respective attendance plan lines.
For more information about how to allow sequencing for a cause of absence and how to set up absence sequencing for attendance plan lines, see Set up attendance plan absence sequencing.
The main cause of absence is the cause of absence code that is specified on absence requests.
Related information
Set up absence top ups
Set up units of measure
Set up human resource units of measure
Set up the Advanced HR Setup page
Set up causes of absence
Set up attendance plans
Process end of year carry forward
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