Set up budgeting and planning
Sparkrock 365 includes a Budgeting and Planning extension which provides the capability to define a budget plan that is composed of multiple budget sets. Each budget set can be set up so that budget contributors can only enter budget information for a range of general ledger accounts and dimensions. After budget information has been entered, the budget set can be sent through an approval process. The combination of all budget sets per plan are the basis for a company budget. Budget plans and budget sets decentralize the budgeting process. Multiple contributors can participate and the budget data can be consolidated before completing the budgeting process.
To learn more about how to set up budgeting and planning, in the following table, select the links.
To | Go to |
Learn how to create budgets. | Create budgets |
Learn how to set up budget plan statuses. | Set up budget plan statuses |
Learn how to set up budget plans. | Set up budget plans |
Learn how to set up budget sets. | Set up budget sets |
Learn how to set up budget set contributors. | Set up budget set contributors |
Learn how to set up budget administrators. | Set up budget administrators |
Learn how to set up limited access budgeting and planning. | Set up limited access budgeting and planning |
The extension is installed by default. For information about installing and uninstalling the extension, see Installing and Uninstalling Extensions.
Related information
Budgeting and planning
Customizing Business Central online using extensions
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