Set Up Absence Request Approvals
Sparkrock 365 provides the capability to have absence requests go through an approval workflow. Before an absence request approval workflow can be processed, some setup is required.
Enable the Absence Request Approval Workflow
To process an absence request approval, the Absence Request Approval Workflow must be enabled. For more information, see Set Up HR Management Approval Workflows.
Set up the HR Approval Setup page
To specify distinct approval processes for absence request approvals, set up the HR Approval Setup page. For more information, see Set Up the HR Approval Setup page.
Approval rules
To set up absence request approvals for the Approval Rules option, an approval group code must be associated with the attendance plan line and employee attendance plan line for individual cause of absence codes. This design allows for some causes of absence to have an approval route. Any approval group codes that are defined for causes of absence at the attendance plan line level default to the employee attendance plan line for the same cause of absence. If required, the approval group code can be changed on the employee attendance plan line.
There is additional flexibility within the approval group to allow for certain members to only approve specific causes of absence. This design allows one attendance plan to use the same approval group code for all causes of absence. Within the approval group, cause of absence filters can be associated with specific members of the group. For more information, see Set Up an Approval Group.
When the absence request is submitted for approval, Sparkrock 365 looks to the employee attendance plan line cause of absence code to see which users are to receive the approval request based on the approval group code that is specified. The approver can open the Absence Requests to Approve page to review all absence requests that they are responsible for approving. The approver can use the Approve, Reject, or Delegate actions to process the approvals.
If the absence request has been approved, the request moves to the next approver in the sequence. After the absence request has been approved by all defined approvers, the document Status changes to Approved.
If the Delegate action is used, Sparkrock 365 uses a hierarchy to determine who becomes responsible for approving the entry. For more information, see Approval User Setup page.
To update the approval group code on an individual attendance plan line
, enter attendance plans, and then choose the related link.
The Attendance Plans page opens.
Select the attendance plan for which you want to update an individual plan line, and then on the action bar, choose Edit.
The Attendance Plan page opens.
On the Attendance Plan Lines FastTab, in the row that you want to update, in Approval Group Code, specify the new value.
To update the approval group code on an individual employee attendance plan line
, enter employees, and then choose the related link.
The Employees page opens.
Select the employee for which you want to update the approval group code on an attendance plan line, and then on the action bar, choose Related > Attendance Plan
The Employee Attendance Plan page opens.
On the Employee Attendance Plan Lines FastTab, in the row that you want to update, in Approval Group Code, specify the new value.
Mass update approval group code on attendance plan lines
If a change is required to the approval group code on more than one attendance plan line, instead of updating each line individually, you can update the Approval Group Code field on the General FastTab to perform a mass update of all related attendance plan lines and linked employee attendance plan lines.
When a user adds or updates the value of Approval Group Code on the General FastTab, a dialog box appears and displays the following text:
You have modified the Approval Group Code. Do you want to update the lines, related employees and all linked employee attendance plan lines?
If the user chooses Yes, the following fields are updated with the new value:
The Approval Group Code field on the General FastTab of the Attendance Plan page.
The Approval Group Code field on the Attendance Plan FastTab of the Employee Attendance Plan page.
The Approval Group Code field on all related attendance plan lines that have a cause of absence with the Type of Entry.
The Approval Group Code field on all linked employee attendance plan lines that have a cause of absence with the Type of Entry.
Alternatively, if the user chooses No, only the value on the General FastTab is updated.
When a user deletes the value of the Approval Group Code on the General FastTab, a dialog box appears and displays the following text:
You have modified the Approval Group Code. Do you want to remove the Approval Group Code from all the lines, related employees and all linked employee attendance plan lines?
If the user chooses Yes, the following fields are updated to have a value of blank:
The Approval Group Code field on the General FastTab of the Attendance Plan page.
The Approval Group Code field on the Attendance Plan FastTab of the Employee Attendance Plan page.
The Approval Group Code field on all related attendance plan lines that have a cause of absence with the Type of Entry.
The Approval Group Code field on all linked employee attendance plan lines that have a cause of absence with the Type of Entry.
Alternatively, if the user chooses No, only the value on the General FastTab is updated to have a value of blank.
To mass update the approval group code on attendance plan lines
, enter attendance plans, and then choose the related link.
The Attendance Plans page opens.
Select the attendance plan for which you want to update the approval group code on plan lines, and then on the action bar, choose Edit.
The Attendance Plan page opens.
On the General FastTab, in Approval Group Code, specify the new value.
A dialog box appears and displays the following text:
You have modified the Approval Group Code. Do you want to update the lines, related employees and all linked employee attendance plan lines?
Choose Yes.
Mass update approval group code on employee attendance plan lines
If a change is required to the Approval Group Code on more than one employee attendance plan line, instead of updating each line individually, you can update the Approval Group Code field on the Attendance Plan FastTab to update all related employee attendance plan lines automatically.
When a user adds or updates the value of Approval Group Code on the Attendance Plan FastTab, a dialog box appears and displays the following text:
You have modified the Approval Group Code. Do you want to update the lines?
If the user chooses Yes, the Approval Group Code field on the Attendance Plan FastTab and the Approval Group Code field on all related lines that have a cause of absence with the Type of Entry are updated with the new value.
Alternatively, if the user chooses No, only the value on the Attendance Plan FastTab is updated.
When a user deletes the value of the Approval Group Code on the Attendance Plan FastTab, a dialog box appears and displays the following text:
You have modified the Approval Group Code. Do you want to remove the Approval Group Code from all the lines?
If the user chooses Yes, the Approval Group Code field on the Attendance Plan FastTab and the Approval Group Code field on all related lines that have a cause of absence with the Type of Entry are updated to have a value of blank.
Alternatively, if the user chooses No, only the value on the Attendance Plan FastTab is updated to have a value of blank.
To mass update the approval group code on employee attendance plan lines
, enter employees, and then choose the related link.
The Employees page opens.
Select the employee for which you want to update the approval group code on an attendance plan line, and then on the action bar, choose Related Human Resources > Attendance Plan
The Employee Attendance Plan page opens.
On the Attendance Plan FastTab, in Approval Group Code, specify the new value.
A dialog box appears and displays the following text:
You have modified the Approval Group Code. Do you want to update the lines?
Choose Yes.
Default Approval Group field on the HR Position Card page
On the HR Position Card page, on the General FastTab, the Default Approval Group Code field specifies the code that represents the default approval group for this position.
When the Default Approval Group Code field has a value other than blank and an HR request is created for that position, the Approval Group Code on the HR request is automatically populated with the Default Approval Group Code value. If required, the default value can be changed.
During HR request processing, the Approval Group Code field that is specified on the HR request takes precedence over the Approval Group Code that is specified on attendance plan lines that are assigned to an employee.
See also
Set Up HR Management Approvals
Use Approval Workflows
Absence Resequencing
Attendance and Leave Management
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