Create a British Columbia pay transparency report
After you have verified the data in the British Columbia Pay Transparency Worksheet page, you can create a British Columbia pay transparency report that you can send to the BC government.
Sparkrock 365 creates the report in a .csv file format.
To determine the report output, Sparkrock 365 uses the data exchange definition based on the value that is specified on the Advanced HR Setup page, on the British Columbia Pay Transparency FastTab, in the Data Exchange Definition Code field.
The data that appears on the British Columbia Pay Transparency Worksheet page, in the Employee No. and Employee Full Name fields does not appear in the .csv file.
To create a British Columbia pay transparency report
, enter british columbia pay transparency worksheet, and then choose the related link.
The British Columbia Pay Transparency Worksheet page opens.
If required, load lines, and then verify the data.
For more information, go to Load lines into the British Columbia pay transparency worksheet.
Perform one of the following steps:
- To create the report for all records in the worksheet, on the action bar, choose Create File.
- To create the report for selected records in the worksheet, select the records that you want Sparkrock 365 to include in the file, and then on the action bar, choose Create Selected File.
See also
British Columbia pay transparency reporting
British Columbia pay transparency report data exchange definition
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