Set Up Time Off in Lieu and Banked Time Off in Lieu
Sparkrock 365 includes functionality to manage employee time off in lieu and banked time off in lieu. This functionality provides employees who are asked to work hours in addition to their standard hours the ability to use those extra hours in the future for time off, in lieu of getting paid for those extra hours.
In Canada, this concept is referred to as banked time or time off in lieu, or lieu time. In the United States, this concept is referred to as compensatory time or comp. time.
For information about the different user interface element captions that Sparkrock 365 displays based on your Language setting, see English User Interface Element Caption Differences based on your Language setting.
Sparkrock 365 assumes that employee scheduling, time entry, or both are used to capture the hours that are worked.
For information about how time off in lieu and banked time off in lieu is processed, see Process Time Off in Lieu and Banked Time Off in Lieu.
Setup overview
The value in Comp. Time Code on the Schedule Unit Activities, Time Entry Activities, and Time Entry Unit Position Activities pages identifies the related cause of absence code.
The value in Comp. Time Code at the activity level stores the hours that are worked for future time off. The hours that are stored are not paid immediately. When the hours are paid, the hours use the HR Pay Code that is associated with the related cause of absence record.
The value in Use Multiplier for Comp. Hours on the Schedule Unit Activities, Time Entry Activities, and Time Entry Unit Position Activities pages determines how to handle the quantity when the employee absence records are created upon posting of the compensation journal. Also, Use Multiplier for Comp. Hours determines how to apply the multiplier from the HR pay code when storing the hours for future time off, for example, one hour of overtime must create an accrual entry of one and a half hours.
To set up time entry activities
, enter time entry activities, and then choose the related link.
The Time Entry Activities page opens.
On the action bar, choose New.
A new row appears.
In Code, add one of the following time entry activity codes:
If the hours earned are to be adjusted by a multiplier, select the Use Multiplier for Comp. Hours checkbox.
If the checkbox is selected, the related HR Pay Code is used to determine the multiplier.
If an in lieu code is specified, no earnings are calculated and the time is banked in the appropriate cause of absence.
To apply the time entry activities to the associate positions
, enter time entry units, and then choose the related link.
The Time Entry Units page opens.
Select the time entry unit that you want to update, and then on the action bar, choose Positions.
The Time Entry Unit Positions page opens.
Select the position for which you want to configure activities, and then on the action bar, choose Activities.
The Time Entry Unit Position Activities page opens.
On the action bar, choose New.
A new row appears.
In Activity Code, specify the time entry activity Code that you want.
If the hours when earned are not to be sent to external payroll, select the Do Not Send Hours to External Payroll checkbox.
Typically, Do Not Send Hours to External Payroll is selected for any banking of time. If time is to be paid out immediately, you would not prevent the hours from being sent to external payroll.
Set up lieu time maximum
You can configure a maximum value for banking lieu time through time entry. This maximum is specified on the Cause of Absence Card page, on the AccrualsFastTab.
A value of 0 means that there is no upper limit.
If the time entry activity is linked to a compensation time code, and a non-zero maximum has been specified, a validation calculation is performed as follows when the time entry lines are submitted:
If Use Multiplier for Comp. Hours is selected for the activity, the multiplier that is specified on the HR Pay Code is used, otherwise, a value of 1.0 is used.
The following calculation is compared against the maximum:
Employee attendance plan line balance + (previously accepted time entry lines with statuses of Pending Approval, Approved, and Processing) x multiplier + (total quantity on time entry lines that are being submitted) x multiplier
If the result of the calculation exceeds the maximum, the time entry lines are rejected.
If the cause of absence that is specified on the activity does not exist on the employee attendance plan line, the maximum allowed balance is treated as 0, regardless of the setting on the cause of absence, as there is no place for the time entered to be accrued.
Banked overtime for salary employees
You can set up Sparkrock 365 to calculate banked overtime for a salaried employee.
To calculate banked overtime for a salaried employee
, enter hr positions, and then choose the related link.
The HR Positions page opens.
Select the HR position that is associated with the employee, and then on the action bar choose Manage > Edit.
The HR Position Card page opens.
On the Payroll FastTab, ensure that the Default Pay Type is equal to Salary.
, enter hr pay codes, and then choose the related link.
The HR Pay Codes page opens.
Ensure that there is an HR pay code that has a Pay Type of Hourly.
To create an HR pay code, on the action bar, choose New, and then specify values for fields as required.Choose
, enter time entry units, and then choose the related link.
The Time Entry Units page opens.
Select the appropriate time entry unit position, and then on the action bar, choose Positions.
The Time Entry Unit Positions page opens.
Select the appropriate time entry unit position activity, and then on the action bar, choose Activities.
The Time Entry Unit Position Activities page opens.
In the appropriate row, in HR Pay Code, specify the respective HR pay code and select Do Not Send Hours to Payroll.
Create compensatory time absence registration entries immediately after approval for time entry
When performing time entry, Sparkrock 365 provides the capability to have Sparkrock 365 immediately create absence registration entries after an approver approves the hours.
Register Comp. Time After Approval field on the Time Entry Unit Position Activities page
Sparkrock 365 includes on the Time Entry Unit Position Activities page, a Register Comp. Time After Approval field.
When the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox is selected, and an employee enters hours for this activity, after an approver approves the hours, Sparkrock 365 immediately creates entries that appear on the Absence Registration page.
When the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox is clear, Sparkrock 365 creates absence registration entries after the compensation journal is posted.
Register Comp. Time After Approval field on the Time Entry Activities page
To assist with time entry administration, Sparkrock 365 includes on the Time Entry Activities page, a Register Comp. Time After Approval field.
When the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox is selected on the Time Entry Activities page, Sparkrock 365 automatically selects the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox on the Time Entry Unit Position Activities page.
Alternatively, when on the Time Entry Activities page, the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox is clear, Sparkrock 365 clears the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox on the Time Entry Unit Position Activities page.
Reopened approved time line entries
When approved time line entries are reopened, Sparkrock 365 updates the Status of the respective entries on the Absence Registration page to Cancelled.
Absence registration entries for reversed compensation entries
When compensation entries are reversed and the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox is selected, Sparkrock 365 does not remove the respective absence registration entries. This design is due to the Status on the time line reverting back to Approved. If the absence registration entries were removed, a user would have to reopen the time line, and then have the time line approved to have the absence registration created.
Alternatively, when compensation entries are reversed and the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox is clear, Sparkrock removes the respective absence registration entries.
Create compensatory time absence registration entries immediately after approval for shifts
Sparkrock 365 provides the capability to have Sparkrock 365 immediately create absence registration entries after an approver approves a shift.
Register Comp. Time After Approval field on the Schedule Unit Activities and Schedule Unit Shift Activities pages
Sparkrock 365 includes on the Schedule Unit Activities and Schedule Unit Shift Activities pages, a Register Comp. Time After Approval field.
When the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox is selected for a schedule unit activity and an employee confirms a shift for the activity, after an approver approves the shift, Sparkrock 365 immediately creates entries that appear on the Absence Registration page.
When the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox is clear for a schedule unit activity, Sparkrock 365 creates absence registration entries after the respective compensation journal is posted.
Reopened approved shifts
When approved shifts are reopened, Sparkrock 365 updates the Status of the respective entries on the Absence Registration page to Cancelled.
Absence registration entries for reversed compensation entries
When compensation entries are reversed and the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox is selected, Sparkrock 365 does not remove the respective absence registration entries. This design is due to the Status on the shift reverting back to Approved. If the absence registration entries were removed, a user would have to reopen the shift, and then have the shift approved to have the absence registration created.
Alternatively, when compensation entries are reversed and the Register Comp. Time After Approval checkbox is clear, Sparkrock removes the respective absence registration entries.
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