Set Up Email Reminders
You can configure Sparkrock 365 to send email reminders to employees. The following list includes the items for which a reminder can be sent:
Absence requests
Appraisals due
Budget requests
Employee HR tasks due
Finance requests
Pay statements
Purchase documents
Qualifications expiry reminders
Budget approvers are always the last to receive an email reminder when set up per dimension and dimension value. Managers are always the first or last approver in the email reminder sequence depending on the expense claim approval flow setup.
Finance request and purchase document reminders
Finance request and purchase document reminders can be set up for multiple approval levels. Managers who are responsible for approving, receive an email notification in the sequence of the approval hierarchy for each document. Email notifications are sent when a request is submitted for the level one approvers or when the previous level has approved for level two and higher.
After the initial email is sent, approval reminders are sent to managers for all requests that have a Status of Pending Approval. These emails are sent to remind the managers that they have a document pending their approval. Follow-up reminders are sent until the approver approves the request, based on a configurable time interval.
In cases where there are multiple approval levels configured, the reminder is sent to the level one approver until the request is approved, before the reminder is sent to level two approvers.
Reminder emails for purchase orders, purchase invoices, and purchase credit memos can only be enabled when on the Finance Approval Setup page, the dimension approval workflow for the respective document type is enabled. Reminder emails cannot be enabled for other types of approval.
Set up email
To learn about how to set up email, see Set Up Email.
To set up email reminders
, enter email reminder setups, and then choose the related link.
The Email Reminder Setups page opens.
To create an email reminder, on the action bar, choose New.
A new row appears.
In Reminder Type, specify the type of reminder that you want to create.
In Description, specify a descriptive name for the reminder.
In Start Date Formula, specify a formula for how many days before the event that you want to start sending reminders.
The formula uses the value in the Based On field for this calculation.
For example, a value of -30D instructs Sparkrock 365 to start sending email reminders 30 days before the event.
Start Date Formula, End Date Formula, and Reminder Frequency are not editable for pay statements.
In End Date Formula, specify a formula for how many days after the event that you want to keep sending the reminder.
For example, a value of 10D instructs Sparkrock 365 to keep sending reminders until 10 days after the event has occurred. The formula uses the value in the Based On field for this calculation.
In Reminder Frequency, specify a formula for how frequently you want the reminders sent.
For example, a formula of 2D sends a reminder every other day.
In Max No. of Attempts, specify how many times Sparkrock 365 is to try sending the email reminder when an email is not successfully delivered.
In Recipient Email Preference, specify whether reminders are to be sent to a user’s personal email, company email, or both.
The email addresses that are used are set up on the respective Employee Card page, in the Company Email field and Private Email fields.
To make this email reminder active, select the Enabled checkbox.
Choose OK.
Process email reminders
You can process email reminders manually, or automatically using the job queue.
To process reminders manually
, enter process and send reminders, and then choose the related link.
The Process and Send Reminders page opens.
In the Home section, turn on the types of reminders for which you want to send emails.
Perform one of the following steps:
To configure the reminders to be sent at a particular time, choose Schedule, specify values, and then choose OK.
Choose OK.
Sparkrock 365 sends reminder emails to the appropriate employees.
To process reminders automatically using the job queue
, enter job queue entries, and then choose the related link.
The Job Queue Entries page opens.
On the action bar, choose New.
The Job Queue Entry Card page opens.
In Object Type to Run field, specify Codeunit.
In Object ID to Run, choose 23020117.
On the Recurrence FastTab, specify when you want the codeunit to run.
To activate the job queue entry, on the action bar, choose Set Status to Ready.
Email Reminder Log
On the Email Reminder Log Entries page, you can keep track of reminders that have been sent. From this page you can check to see whether a reminder was sent successfully or an error prevented the reminder from being sent.
To view the email reminder log
Choose , enter email reminder log entries, and then choose the related link.
The Email Reminder Log Entries page opens.
See also
Set Up Budgeting and Planning Approvals
Set Up Finance Approvals
Set Up HR Management Approvals
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