Schedule Setup
Use the Schedule Setup page to define the major business rules and communication settings for scheduling. These settings affect all schedule units in Sparkrock 365.
The schedule unit defaults provide initial settings for new schedule units. Changing these settings do not change the settings of existing schedule units.
To configure Schedule Setup
, enter schedule setup, and then choose the related link.
The Schedule Setup page opens.
Specify values on the General FastTab as required.
Specify values on the Errors/Warnings FastTab as required.
For more information, see Set Up Schedule Errors and Warnings
Specify values on the Schedule Email Setup FastTab as required.
The Schedule Email Setup FastTab provides the capability for you to configure schedule-related emails that are to be exchanged between the employees, schedule administrators, and unit supervisors.
Shift Confirmation emails are sent to employees when an offer or bid has been accepted in the Employee Center. It is also used when the Shift > Send Single Confirmation action is chosen on the Schedule Card page or Shift > Send Confirmation is chosen on the Shift Card page.
Bid notice emails are sent to unit supervisors when their schedule unit employee record is configured to send them bid notices. Bid notice emails are generated whenever an employee bids on a shift. The email includes a link which allows the unit supervisor to review the one or more bids that have been registered for their unit.
Shift trade emails are generated at various stages of the Shift Trade transaction process. The email includes a link which allows the employee or unit supervisor to review the trade transaction and to take appropriate actions. Both shifts involved in the trade are depicted.
Shift offer emails are sent to employees when the Offer Shift action is chosen from the Schedule page or by the unit supervisor in mySparkrock from the Unit Schedule page.
Shift unavailable emails are sent to employees when a shift that they have been offered or for which they have bid is assigned to a different employee. All unsuccessful bidders or offers receive this message so that they know the shift in question was awarded to someone else.
Sparkrock 365 can send out emails to remind staff to confirm their shifts worked and to unit supervisors to approve schedules for their units at the end of the pay cycle.
Specify values on the Schedule Unit Defaults FastTab as required.
The fields on the Schedule Unit Defaults FastTab provide initial settings for new units. Existing units are not affected by changes to these settings.
In the Employee Controls section, specify the defaults for employees as they are added to the new unit. These settings determine the unit defaults, which can be changed per employee after the settings are added to the unit.
Specify values on the Time Clock FastTab as required.
Warning Exceptions by Position
To meet the employment standard requirements of customers, Sparkrock 365 provides the capability to display different warning messages to an employee depending on the employee's primary position.
To determine the primary position, Sparkrock 365 uses the assignment with the lowest rank.
Sparkrock 365 uses the following warning logic for the max hours warnings for the primary assignment that is eligible for scheduling as of the shift work date:
If the position from the primary assignment is set up on the Warning Exceptions by Position page, these values are used to determine the warning that appears.
Otherwise, the warning logic uses the values that are set up on the Schedule Setup page.
The monthly warning logic uses the same logic that is used for weekly warnings multiplied by 4. This logic only applies to schedule templates.
To set up warning exceptions by position
, enter schedule setup, and then choose the related link.
The Schedule Setup page opens.
On the action bar, choose Warning Exceptions by Position.
The Warning Exceptions by Position page opens.
For each position that you want to set up, perform the following steps:
- On the action bar, choose New.
A new row appears. - Specify values for fields as required.
- On the action bar, choose New.
Sparkrock provides the following templates that you can download and customize:
See also
Set Up Scheduling
Set Up Employee Scheduling
Set Up Scheduling with Attendance Management
Process Time Off in Lieu and Banked Time Off in Lieu
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