Mass Update mySparkrock User Authentication Email, User References, and User Settings
To save time, Sparkrock 365 provides the capability for you to perform a mass update of the Authentication Email field on the mySparkrock User Card page. Also, you can perform a mass update of user references, and user settings across Sparkrock 365, for example, the value for User Id on the User Setup and User Settings pages.
The mass update requires the use of an Excel spreadsheet.
The following table is an example of an Excel file column layout.
EWA User No. | EWA User Email | User Principal Name | NAV User Name | SR365 User Name |
Sparkrock 365 uses the columns in the spreadsheet as follows:
First column: Identifies the mySparkrock user that requires an update.
Second column: Identifies the email address that is to be updated.
Third column: Identifies the new email address.
Fourth column: Identifies the source user name for which user references and user settings are to be updated across Sparkrock 365.
Fifth column: Identifies the new user name for user references and user settings across Sparkrock 365.
To mass update mySparkrock authentication emails, user references, and user settings
Choose , enter import nav user mapping from excel, and then choose the related link.
The Upload: Excel Files (*.xlsx) dialog box opens.
Drag and drop the Excel file that you want to use on the dialog box. Alternatively, select the box to browse your device, and then locate and open the Excel file.
The Import NAV User Mapping From Excel page opens.
In Workbook File Name, verify that the correct file is specified.
In Worksheet Name, verify that the correct worksheet name is specified.
To proceed with the mass update, choose OK. Alternatively, to schedule the mass update, choose Schedule.
The data from the Excel file is loaded into the NAV User Mapping page.
On the action bar, choose Update Users.
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