General Journal Import
General journal transactions can be entered and imported from an Excel template. Amounts can be associated with general ledger accounts and individual dimension values.
General journal import template file
To download the general journal import template file, select the following link:
Import General Journal from Excel Template
Import template file dimension captions
When you use the template, the captions for the dimension columns, such as, Dim 1, Dim 2, and so on, must match the dimension captions that are defined in your environment. For example, if the caption for Global Dimension 1 Code on the General Ledger Setup page is defined as Dept, you must rename the Dim 1 caption in the Excel template to Dept.
To perform a general journal import
, enter general journals, and then choose the related link.
If your environment has multiple general journal templates, on the General Journal Template List page, select a template, and then choose OK.
The General Journals page opens.
On the action bar, choose Home > Import from Excel.
The Upload: Excel Files (.xlsx) dialog box opens.
In the upload box, drop the template file that you want to load or select the link and browse to the template file that you want to load.
The Import From Excel To General Journal page opens.
Verify that the correct values are specified for Workbook File Name and Worksheet Name, and then choose OK.
Insert new columns
In the Excel template, you can insert one or more columns of data for fields that appear in the general journal, and then import the data from these columns into Sparkrock 365.
To insert a column in the Excel template
Open the Excel template.
In row 3, specify the name of the general journal field for which you want to import data.
It is recommended that you insert columns to the right of the existing columns in the template.
Populate the respective column with data.
Document numbers
Sparkrock 365 uses the following logic to assign document numbers to the imported journal entries based on the values in the Document No. column of the Excel file:
If values exist in the Document No. column of the Excel file, Sparkrock 365 assigns these values.
If the Excel file does not contain a value for one or more particular rows, Sparkrock 365 assigns values based on the following rules:
Sparkrock 365 assigns a value for Document No. that is equal to the first empty row in the general journal. Typically, this value is the next number in the number series that is configured on the General Journal Batches page.
Sparkrock 365 increments the value for Document No. for subsequent rows after any sequence of rows has balanced to zero.
If the Excel file has a mixture of populated and blank values in the Document No. column, Sparkrock 365 uses the populated values and assigns an incremented value for the blank rows until a row with a populated value is reached again.
Import from Excel action validations
The Import from Excel action performs validations, such as the following:
Checks for blocked records.
Checks for correct date and number formats.
Validates the following data:
Document Type
Account Type
G/L Account No.
Account Set Code
Bal. Account Type
Bal. Account No.
Reason Code
Dimensions 1 to 8
Default G/L account and dimension data
The Import from Excel action uses the following logic to default G/L accounts and dimensions data:
If the template includes account set data, the import process populates the G/L account and dimension data in Sparkrock 365 based on the template account set data.
If the template does not include G/L account data for an account set, the import process populates the G/L account in Sparkrock 365 based on the Sparkrock 365 setup, and then uses the dimension data that is included with the template.
If the template includes account set and dimension data, the import process populates the dimension data in Sparkrock 365 based on the account set data in the template and the Sparkrock 365 setup, and then overrides the G/L account and dimension data in Sparkrock 365 with the data from the template, provided that the template values are not blank.
If the value for Account Type in the template is not equal to G/L Account, and if the account set setup in Sparkrock 365 has a G/L account, Sparkrock 365 skips the account data in the template.
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