Cancel an Absence Payout Request
If required, you can cancel an absence payout request.
When you cancel an absence payout request, Sparkrock 365 changes the Status to Cancelled and the Registration Status to Cancelled.
You cannot cancel an absence payout request that has been processed through payroll. In other words, to be able to cancel an absence payout request, on the Absence Registration page, the Payroll Processing checkbox must be clear for the respective absence registration record. When the Payroll Processing checkbox is selected, you cannot cancel the absence payout request.
To cancel an absence payout request
, enter payout requests, and then choose the related link.
The Payout Requests page opens.
Select the absence payout request that you want to cancel, and then on the action bar, choose View.
The Payout Request page opens.
On the action bar, choose Home > Cancel.
A dialog box appears. The text that appears in the dialog box differs depending on the Registration Status of the absence payout request.
If the Registration Status is Registered, the following text appears:
Are you sure you want to cancel this request and delete all registered lines?
Otherwise the following text appears:
Are you sure you want to cancel this request?
To proceed, choose Yes.
Sparkrock 365 changes the Status to Cancelled and the Registration Status to Cancelled.
See also
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