Archive Time Entry Lines
You can archive all Processed time entry lines and related time line detail records to the time lines archive as required. This action can improve performance.
To archive time entry lines
, enter archive time entry lines, and then choose the related link.
The Archive Time Entry Lines page opens.
In Ending Date, specify a date.
Choose OK.
All Processed records with a week end date value on or before the Ending Date that was specified are archived. The Archived By and Archive Date/Time fields are populated. After the time entry lines are archived, a dialog box appears and displays the number of records that were archived.
Time line records are archived after all related time entry detail records have been processed through the payroll system. Otherwise, the time line records are skipped.
To review the archived lines
Choose , enter time lines archives, and then choose the related link.
The Time Line Archives page opens.
See also
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