Set up a grounds for termination code
On the Grounds for Termination page, codes can be set up to track grounds for termination information. Codes can be created for the various reasons, such as deceased, dismissal, retirement, and resignation.
To create a grounds for termination code code
, enter grounds for termination, and then choose the related link.
The Grounds for Termination page opens.
On the action bar, choose New.
A new row appears.
In Code, specify a code to represent a grounds for termination.
In Description, specify a description for the grounds for termination code.
Assign a grounds for termination code to an employee
After grounds for termination codes are set up, when a grounds for termination is required for an employee, you can assign the appropriate code on their employee card.
To assign a grounds for termination code to an employee
, enter employees, and then choose the related link.
The Employees page opens.
Select the employee for which you want to assign a grounds for termination code, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > Edit.
The Employee Card page opens.
On the Administration FastTab, in the Grounds for Term. Code field, specify the code that represents the grounds for termination that you want to assign.
See also
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