Set up budget administrators
Budget administrators are responsible for administering budgets and the budget creation process. Typically, a budget administrator performs the following tasks:
Creates budgets, budget plans, budget sets, as well as all other setup that pertains to creating and maintaining budgets.
Assigns budget sets to individual contributors. One budget set can have multiple contributors and one contributor can contribute to multiple budget sets.
Reviews a consolidated list of budget requests that are used for decision making.
Views the progress of individual budget contributor entries and tracks where the contributors are within the budget cycle.
Analyzes the overall budget after a budget is approved for all budget sets. As required, sends feedback or requests a new cycle so that corrections can be made.
Finalizes the budget that is to be used in budget checking, reporting, and on on.
To set up a budget administrator
, enter user setup, and then choose the related link.
The User Setup page opens.
For each user that you want to be a budget administrator, select the Budget Planning Admin checkbox.
The Budget Planning Admin checkbox only pertains to administering budget plans and budget sets and does not relate to administering budgets.
Budget Administrator role center
To provide budgeting administrators with a centralized location for all budgeting functionality, Sparkrock 365 includes a Budgeting Administrator role center.
This role center provides the capability for budget administrators to access the following information and more:
Budget setup information, including budget checking setup.
Budget reporting information.
Budget plan information, including budgets that have a submission due in 2 weeks, and approval due in 2 weeks.
Budget set information, including open budget sets and budget sets that are pending approval.
User tasks, email status, and approval information.
See also
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