mySparkrock profile changes
When mySparkrock users make changes to their profile in mySparkrock, these changes must be reviewed, and then approved or denied. Managers perform this review process from the Human Resources Manager role center in Sparkrock 365.
When a change is approved, the following events happen in mySparkrock and Sparkrock 365:
The employee information in mySparkrock and Sparkrock 365 is updated.
Attachments that have been added to the change request are not transferred to the employee.In mySparkrock, on the Profile page, the You have pending changes. They will not take effect until they have been approved. message disappears.
In mySparkrock, on the Profile page, the Pending Changes section disappears.
To view mySparkrock profile changes that are pending approval
Open the Human Resources Manager role center.
Select the mySparkrock Changes cue.
The mySparkrock Changes page opens.
To approve a mySparkrock profile change
Open the Human Resources Manager role center.
Select the mySparkrock Changes cue.
The mySparkrock Changes page opens.
Select the change that you want to approve, and then on the action bar, choose View.
The mySparkrock Change Card page opens.
On the action bar, choose Approve.
To place a mySparkrock profile change on hold
Open the Human Resources Manager role center.
Select the mySparkrock Changes cue.
The mySparkrock Changes page opens.
Select the change that you want to place on hold, and then on the action bar, choose Edit.
The mySparkrock Change Card page opens.
In On Hold, specify the initials of the reviewer who is responsible for placing this document on hold.
The change is placed on hold.
To remove a hold from a mySparkrock profile change
Open the Human Resources Manager role center.
Select the mySparkrock Changes cue.
The mySparkrock Changes page opens.
Select the change for which you want to remove a hold, and then on the action bar, choose Edit.
The mySparkrock Change Card page opens.
In On Hold, delete the value.
The hold on the change is removed.
To deny a mySparkrock profile change
Open the Human Resources Manager role center.
Select the mySparkrock Changes cue.
The mySparkrock Changes page opens.
Select the change that you want to deny, and then on the action bar, choose Edit.
The mySparkrock Change Card page opens.
In Deny Comment, specify the comment that is to be sent to the requester as part of an email notification when the change request is denied.
On the action bar, choose Deny.
After you choose Deny, an email notification is sent to the requester.
Related information
Requesting changes to your profile information in mySparkrock
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