Set up vendor payables from the payroll expense ledger
The purpose of the generate vendor payables from payroll expense ledger process is to generate vendor ledger entries from posted payroll deduction data that can be paid via the accounts payable suggest vendor payments process. For information about how to generate vendor payables from the payroll expense ledger, see Generate vendor payables from payroll expense ledger.
Advanced HR Setup
The first step in the generating vendor payables from the payroll expense ledger process is to configure the Advanced HR Setup page. A number series must be defined for payroll liabilities to accounts payable numbers. This series is required to run the Post Payroll Liabilities to Accounts Payable report.
To set up the Advanced HR Setup page
, enter no. series, and then choose the related link.
The No. Series page opens.
Create a number series for Payroll Liabilities to A/P Nos.
For more information about how to create a number series, see Create Number Series.
, enter advanced hr setup, and then choose the related link.
The Advanced HR Setup page opens.
In Payroll Liabilities to A/P Nos. field, specify the number series that you created.
The Document No. for the posted vendor ledger records will come from the series.
HR Deduction Codes
After you have set up the Advanced HR Setup page, you must set up HR deduction codes.
To set up HR deduction codes
, enter hr deduction codes, and then choose the related link.
The HR Deduction Codes page opens.
For each HR deduction where a liability entry is to be created in accounts payable, perform the following steps:
- In Liability G/L Account No., specify the general ledger account for the liability entry.
- In Payable Vendor No., specify the vendor for the payable entry.
This field links the deduction with a vendor. - In Payable Posting Option, specify how the External Document No. field is to be populated on new vendor ledger entries.
The following list includes information about the allowable values:
- Do not Post: Specifies not to create a payroll liability payable entry in the vendor ledger.
- Post in Summary: Specifies to post a single payable entry by HR Deduction Code and the end of the date filter provided on the Report Request page. For example, when posting in summary for EI ER on 6/30/19, the External Document No. would be EIER-20190630.
- Post by Employee: Specifies to post one entry per employee and the end of the date filter. For example, when posting by employee for case number 123456 on 6/30/19 for E0103, the External Document No. would be 123456-20190630.
For all the payable posting options above, the vendor ledger entry description is the HR deduction code description. The vendor ledger entry description and the external document number appear on the payable check stub.
If you prefer the liability entry to contain all zeros, or other values, for the dimension values, you can use the default dimensions on the HR deduction code.
If you want the liability entry to display blank dimensions, leave the default dimensions empty on the Default Dimensions page.
To determine which general ledger account is to be used with the liability entry, on the HR Deduction Codes page, use Liability G/L Account No..
Garnishment Setup
If you need a case or reference number to appear on the payable check stub, set the Payable Posting Option field on the HR Deduction Codes page to Post by Employee or Post by Reference No..
On the payroll employee, enter the garnishment case number on the employee deduction record for the specific garnishment deduction.
When the payroll document is posted, the garnishment case number is copied to the HR deduction ledger entry page's Reference No. field.
After the post payroll liabilities to accounts payable process is run, the resulting vendor ledger entry has an external document number based on the HR deduction payable posting option and end date of the filter. The vendor ledger entry description displays the description from the HR deduction code The description and external document number appear on the payable check stub.
See also
Generate vendor payables from the payroll expense ledger
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