Set up mySparkrock authentication for Sparkrock 365
OAuth is the industry-standard protocol for authorization, providing specific authorization flows for web applications and more. To establish the OAuth connection between Sparkrock 365 and mySparkrock, some setup is required.
Create the mySparkrock application in Microsoft Entra Applications
On the Microsoft Entra Applications page, the mySparkrock application must be created.
To complete all steps in this task, you must be an Microsoft Entra ID administrator.
To create the mySparkrock application in Microsoft Entra Applications
, enter microsoft entra applications, and then choose the related link.
The Microsoft Entra Applications page opens.
On the action bar, choose Create mySparkrock Application.
A new row appears for the mySparkrock application.
Ensure that the mySparkrock application record is selected, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > Edit.
The Microsoft Entra Application Card page opens.
If required, update fields.
To grant consent for mySparkrock to access data from Sparkrock 365, on the action bar, choose Grant Consent.
Log into Microsoft Entra ID, and then perform the required setup. For more information, see Using Service-to-Service (S2S) Authentication.
Create the mySparkrock user card for the internal user ID of MYSPARKROCK
To establish the connection between mySparkrock and Sparkrock 365, the following setup is required:
A mySparkrock user named MYSPARKROCK must exist.
For the MYSPARKROCK user, on the related mySparkrock User Card page, on the General FastTab, the Internal User ID must have a value of MYSPARKROCK.
To create a mySparkrock user named MYSPARKROCK
, enter mysparkrock users, and then choose the related link.
The mySparkrock Users page opens.
On the action bar, choose New.
The mySparkrock User Card page opens.
In User Name, specify MYSPARKROCK.
To prevent this user from being selected as an alternate, turn on Blocked As Alternate.
In Internal User ID, specify MYSPARKROCK.
On the Companies FastTab, specify values for fields as required.
To complete the setup of the mySparkrock User Setup Card page, select the Edit mySparkrock User Setup link.
The mySparkrock User Setup Card page opens.
In User Profile Code, specify a value.
To complete the setup of the mySparkrock User Setup Card page, choose Close.
Create a user setup record in payroll setup
For mySparkrock authentication to work correctly for payroll, on the Payroll Setup page, on the Payroll Users Setup FastTab, there must be a record with the User ID of MYSPARKROCK. Permissions can be assigned to the record with the User ID of MYSPARKROCK as required.
To create a record that has a User ID of MYSPARKROCK in payroll setup
, enter payroll setup, and then choose the related link.
The Payroll Setup page opens.
On the Payroll Users Setup FastTab, choose Manage > New Line.
A new row appears.
In User ID, specify MYSPARKROCK.
In other fields on the line, specify values as required.
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