Reopen a budget set
A budget set that has completed the approval process has a Status of Approved and cannot be changed. To make changes to the budget set, the budget set must be reopened, which changes the Status to Open.
Budget administrators can reopen Approved budget sets. Budget contributors can only reopen the Approved budget sets for which they are set up as a contributor.
When a budget set approval workflow is enabled and a budget set is reopened, all approval entries are cancelled and notification emails are sent to the approval request sender and approvers. On the Approval Entries page, the Approved By field is updated to display the ID of the user who reopened the budget set.
To reopen a budget set
, enter g/l budget plans, and then choose the related link.
The G/L Budget Plans page opens.
Select the budget plan for which you want to reopen a budget set, and then on the action bar, choose G/L Budget Sets.
The G/L Budget Sets page opens.
Select the budget set that you want to reopen, and then on the action bar, choose Reopen.
The Status of the budget set changes from Approved to Open.
See also
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