Purchase receiving
Sparkrock 365 includes functionality to help you manage the receipt of the items that you purchase. Purchase receiving is accessible through the Finance Department Manager role center. On the Purchase Receiving page, you can view purchase orders that are released, have a quantity to be received, and that are not received or partially received.
Purchase orders on the Purchase Receiving page can be filtered by Requisition No.
To filter the Purchase Receiving page by Requisition No.
, enter purchase receiving, and then choose the related link.
The Purchase Receiving page opens.
On the action bar, choose Purchase Requisition > Filter by Requisition.
The Purchase Requisition page opens.
In Document No., specify the purchase requisition that you want to filter by.
The Purchase Receiving page displays all purchase orders that were created from the selected purchase requisition.
To receive a purchase order
, enter purchase receiving, and then choose the related link.
The Purchase Receiving page opens.
Select the purchase order for which you want to receive an item, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > View.
The Purchase Receiving page opens.
Purchase orders that are opened from the Purchase Receiving page display only the lines with remaining quantity to receive. Received lines are not visible from the Finance Department Manager role center.
Depending on whether you want to specify a value for Qty. to Receive manually or automatically, perform one of the following steps:
To populate Qty. to Receive manually, on the Lines, in Qty. to Receive, specify the number of units received.
To populate Qty. to Receive automatically with the outstanding quantity to receive, on the action bar, choose Home > Auto-Fill Qty. To Receive. The Qty. to Receive field is populated with the amount from Outstanding Quantity field.
Depending on whether you want to remove the amount from Qty. to Receive manually or automatically, perform one of the following steps:
To remove the amount from Qty. to Receive manually, on the Lines, in Qty. to Receive, delete the amount.
To remove the amount from the Qty. to Receive field automatically, choose Home > Blank Qty. To Receive.
The amount in the Qty. to Receive field is set to zero.
To attach one or more supporting documents, perform the following steps:
- To attach one or more supporting documents, on the action bar, choose Receiving > Attachments.
The Attached Documents page opens. - To attach a document, choose Select File.
The Attach a document dialog appears. - Choose Choose.
A browser window opens. - Select the file that you want to attach, and then choose Open.
The file appears on the Attached Documents page. - To close the Attached Documents page, choose Close.
- To attach one or more supporting documents, on the action bar, choose Receiving > Attachments.
Post a receipt in Sparkrock 365
After the quantity to be received is updated, Sparkrock 365 (Full SaaS) users can directly post the receipt from the Finance Department Manager role center.
To post a receipt in Sparkrock 365
On the Finance Department Manager role center in Actions, choose Purchase Receiving.
The Purchase Receiving page opens.
Select the purchase order for which you want to post a receipt, and then on the action bar, choose Manage > View.
The Purchase Receiving page opens.
On the action bar, choose Posting > Post Receipt.
A dialog box with text that is similar to the following text appears:
Do you want to post the receipt using the Date Received of 05/19/20?
This page automatically closes after the posting of the receipt is completed.
To post the receipt, choose Yes.
View posted receipts
To view posted receipts, on the Finance Department Manager role center, choose Documents, Posted Purchase Receipts.
The Posted Purchase Receipts page opens.
To view a posted purchase receipt, select the respective Receipt No.
The Posted Purchase Receipt page opens.
See also
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