Create the Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP) Member, Position, Leave (MPL) export file
After you have reviewed the data on the OTIP Worksheet page and resolved any data errors, you can create the OTIP MPL export file.
The OTIP MPL export file is an Excel file that has the following worksheets:
Member Data: Includes MEM records.
Position Data: Includes POS records.
Leave Data: Includes LEV records
Each worksheet includes a header and a trailer record.
Naming convention
For a single Excel submission, the following naming format is used:
B##### represents the school board unique employer group ID that OTIP assigns.
On the Provincial Benefits Data Exchange Setup page, on the OTIP FastTab, the Production field determines whether PROD or TEST is included in the OTIP MPL export file name. When Production is turned off, the OTIP MPL export file includes TEST in the file name. Otherwise, when Production is turned on, the OTIP MPL export file includes PROD in the file name.
YYYYMMDD is the year, month, and day that the file was created.
To create the OTIP MPL export file
, enter otip worksheet, and then choose the related link.
The OTIP Worksheet page opens.
In Batch Name, specify the batch name for which you want to create an OTIP export file.
On the action bar, choose Create File.
A dialog box appears and displays the following question:
Are you sure that you want to export the file?
Choose Yes.
The export file is created.
See also
Ontario Teachers Insurance Plan (OTIP) Member, Position, Leave (MPL) export file administration
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