Automatic purchase order creation
Sparkrock 365 includes automatic purchase order creation functionality that converts purchase requisitions that meet specific criteria into purchase orders. Also, provided that the necessary setup is in place, after Sparkrock 365 automatically creates the purchase order, Sparkrock 365 can automatically email the purchase order to the vendor.
Sparkrock 365 converts purchase requisitions to purchase orders when all the following conditions are met:
The necessary purchase requisition setup is in place. For more information about how to set up automatic purchase order creation, see Set up automatic purchase order creation.
The Status of the purchase requisition is Approved.
On the purchase requisition, the vendor information is populated and the Vendor Type is not equal to Contact.
The Total Excl. Tax amount of the purchase requisition is greater than the value of Amount Threshold Purch. Req. for the respective record on the Purchase Request Types page.
Create purchase orders automatically
After you have completed the necessary setup, automatic purchase order creation can occur via the job queue or can be run when required. For more information about the job queue, see Set up the SRF auto create PO process job.
To create purchase orders automatically when required
, enter auto create purchase orders, and then choose the related link.
The Auto Create Purchase Orders page opens.
Specify filters as required.
Choose OK.
See also
Set up automatic purchase order creation
Purchase requisitions
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