Set up employee experience and seniority for a Teacher Teaching on Call (TTOC)
Sparkrock 365 includes employee experience and seniority functionality that provides the capability for you to support a Teacher Teaching on Call (TTOC). The functionality involves processing experience splits and transfers and ensures that on new hire and details change HR requests, Sparkrock 365 is calculating and displaying accurate salary amounts.
For new hire HR requests that involve adding previous experience, the HR salary calculator displays accurate salary amounts that are based on the pay gide code that is mapped directly to the years of experience.
For details change HR requests, after you enter experience into the employee experience worksheet, and then post the experience ledger entries, subsequent details change HR requests display an accurate salary amount. The salary amount calculation considers the years of experience from the experience ledger entries and the associated pay grid code.
To have Sparkrock 365 display accurate salary amounts on HR requests for a TTOC, you must perform some setup.
To learn more about the setup that you must perform, in the following table, select the links.
To | Go to |
Learn how to set up the total TTOC days that represent the amount of years of regular teaching experience. | Set up the total Teacher Teaching on Call (TTOC) days that represent the amount of years of regular teaching experience |
Learn how to set up an HR position class to have a pension position class of TTOC. | Set up an HR position class to have a pension position class of Teacher Teaching on Call (TTOC) |
Related information
Employee experience and seniority for a Teacher Teaching on Call (TTOC)
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