Insert account sets as rows on a financial report
You can create a row for each account set that you want to analyze on a financial report. You can also create totals for the account set rows.
It is recommended that the naming convention that is used for row numbers be short and alpha numeric so that row information can be more easily inserted in totaling formulas.
To insert account sets as rows on a financial report
, enter financial reports, and then choose the related link.
The Financial Reports page opens.
Select the financial report that you want to insert account sets as rows, and then on the action bar, choose Edit Row Definition.
The Row Definition page opens.
On the action bar, choose Insert > Insert Account Sets.
The Account Sets page opens.
Select the one or more account sets that you want to insert as rows on a financial report, and then choose OK.
The Totaling Type field is set to Account Sets for each row that was added.
When Totaling Type is set to Account Sets, in the Totaling field, you can specify a range of account set codes.
Related information
Prepare financial reporting with account schedules and account categories
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