mySparkrock user profile APIs
To set up mySparkrock user profiles in Sparkrock 365, use the following APIs.
List of mySparkrock user profiles
To get a list of all mySparkrock user profiles, issue a GET externalUserProfiles request.
The following JSON code snippet is an example of a GET externalUserProfiles request.
GET{tenantId}/{environmentName}/api/sparkrock/srf/v2.0/companies({companyId})/externalUserProfiles Authorization: Bearer {token}
List of all properties for a specific mySparkrock user profile
To get a list of all properties of a specific mySparkrock user profile, issue a GET request.
The following JSON code snippet is an example of a GET request.
GET{tenantId}/{environmentName}/api/sparkrock/srf/v2.0/companies({companyId})/externalUserProfiles({code}) Authorization: Bearer {token}
Create a mySparkrock user profile
To create a mySparkrock user profile, issue a POST request.
The following JSON code snippet is an example of a POST request.
POST{tenantId}/{environmentName}/api/sparkrock/srf/v2.0/companies({companyId})/externalUserProfiles Authorization: Bearer {token} Content-type: application/json { "code": "api-test", "description": "api testing", "globalDimension1Code": "", "globalDimension2Code": "FA003", "globalDimension3Code": "", "globalDimension4Code": "", "globalDimension5Code": "", "globalDimension6Code": "", "globalDimension7Code": "", "globalDimension8Code": "", "dim1Filter": "PROD", "dim2Filter": "FA001|HS001..HS002", "dim3Filter": "", "dim4Filter": "", "dim5Filter": "", "dim6Filter": "", "dim7Filter": "", "dim8Filter": "", "itemCategoryFilter": "", "vendorNoFilter": "", "vendorPostingGroupFilter": "", "glAccountFilter": "", "expenseTypeFilter": "", "expenseTypeCategFilter": "", "locationCodeFilter": "", "viewOwnRequestsOnly": false, "allowUsageOfClosePO": false, "showBudgetCheckingExt": false, "showBudgetChecking": true }
Modify mySparkrock user profile properties
To modify a mySparkrock user profile, issue a PATCH mySparkrock user profile request.
The following JSON code snippet is an example of a PATCH mySparkrock user profile request.
PATCH{tenantId}/{environmentName}/api/sparkrock/srf/v2.0/companies({companyId})/ externalUserProfiles({code}) Authorization: Bearer {token} Content-type: application/json If-Match: * { "dim1Filter": "ADM", "dim2Filter": "FA002|HS001..HS002" }
Delete a mySparkrock user profile
To delete the mySparkrock user profile, issue a DELETE mySparkrock user profile request.
The following JSON code snippet is an example of a DELETE mySparkrock user profile request.
DELETE{tenantId}/{environmentName}/api/sparkrock/srf/v2.0/companies({companyId})/externalUserProfiles({code}) Authorization: Bearer {token} If-Match: *
The request does not return anything in the response body.
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