Detailed Calculation (report)
The Detailed Calculation report shows a single level breakdown of manufacturing costs for a specified item.
It includes details from the production bill of materials (BOM):
- Unit costs
- Quantities
- Units of measure
It also includes routing information about various operations:
- Work center types
- Setup times
- Run times
- Cost times
- Unit costs
- Total costs
Additionally, the report summarizes the cost of production, cost of components, and manufacturing overhead costs, resulting in the total unit cost.
The report also accounts for scrap costs, which ensuring an accurate representation of the total manufacturing expenses.
You can run with a future calculation date to view the effect of BOMs and routings with a future starting date.
Use cases
Analyze the manufacturing costs for an item, including its production bill of materials details, routing operations, and associated expenses. Scrap costs are accounted for, which gives you an accurate total cost for producing items.
Try the report
Try the report here: Detailed Calculation
If you hold down the CTRL key while you select the report link, the report opens on a new browser tab. In this way, you can stay on the current page while you explore the report on the other browser tab.